We have the sad news to announce that we will not be able to hold market tomorrow in the normal way. Due to the Govenor’s most recent health orders that the Town is responsible for enforcing, the Town doesn’t feel confident that we can control the number of people in the Plaza at any one time so for tomorrow only we will offer a DRIVE THRU style produce bag you can drive through and buy right from your vehicle. I’m not sure how many we will have but if you are committed to local food please try to join us, by safely staying in your car. We will have a produce bag with whats in season grown by our vendors for sale for a fixed price, simply drive up and pay by card or cash and drive away with your produce. We will post price and contents of the bags once we know in the morning on our Facebook and Instagram. Unfortunately we will not be able to accept EBT for these bags, we will of course accept EBT once market is open in a more traditional way 5/23. Again sorry for the late notice…if we had it our way we would be holding market with all the extra safety precautions but not as a drive thru. But we would love to offer this service through the season so that our elderly and most vulnerable customers can just ‘drive thru’!
Thank you for your commitment to local food and for your flexibility with us through this difficult time. We are strong and we are part of one of the greatest communities! Thank you!
Where do we come?
Are you able to share what the price/bag is? What may be included (ish)?
Thank you ?
Perfect compromise, a win/win for shoppers,, vendors and the Town. Way to go everyone for you willingness to model how compromise works.
Thank you.
I love the drive-through option!
The Taos Farmers Market needs to be moved off of Town property. I may not return until it is.
Please move it to a different location as originally thought. Save yourselves this headache.