Site Manager Job Description
Requirements: Employee needs to be at the Market site at 6:00 am to set-up and must stay until the Market is completely cleaned up and closed-down, no later than 2:00 pm. Employee needs a vehicle equipped with a trailer hitch to pull the Market’s trailer to the Plaza (Market Day site). Employee needs to be comfortable with pulling, backing and parking a trailer.
Term: Contract starts on the last Saturday in August and continues every Saturday through the third week in November for a total of 13 markets. Contract is for the season and paid semi-monthly. Starting at $15/hour.
Summary of Tasks:
Site Set-up:
- Pulling the Market trailer to the Plaza each Saturday morning
- Setting up streets signs on the way to the market early on Saturday mornings
- Setting up at the Plaza:
- Putting up banners and signs
- Setting up road blocks
- Unloading Info Booth supplies/merch
- Helping Retail Manager set up Info Booth as needed
- Setting up extra canopies, chairs and tables
During the Market:
- Checking in vendors and assigning booth spaces for day vendors
- Generally helping Vendors as needed
- Collecting completed applications from new vendors
- Collecting Vendor fees
- Enforcing Market rules (See “Vendor Agreement” for all rules)
- Recording Vendor attendance
- Recording Customer attendance
- Coordinating with Retail Manager & Assistant Retail Manager on all Market Day business: cash bank, EBT/SNAP sales, WIC, merchandise ordering, Daily Accounting sheets, etc. and helping in Info Booth as needed
- Answering questions from vendors & the public
- Coordinating and overseeing volunteers as needed
- Passing out info/surveys/etc to Vendors as needed
- Coordinating with Business Manager as needed to plan musicians, special events, cooking demos, etc.
After the Market:
- Allowing in Vendor vehicles around roadblocks, keeping out non-market traffic until 1:30pm
- Packing all Market equipment and supplies into trailer
- Checking Plaza for garbage, take trash to dumpsters, etc.
- Picking up signs and banners
- Returning trailer to storage area
If the Site Manager is unable to fulfill his/her duties for a particular Saturday during the season, they are responsible for finding their replacement so that the duties of this contract are covered.
Doing a little live broadcast to facebook walkingcaround honoring n letting the goods be shown…. thats a great way to get business up up up! ❤️👍😘