Opening Day 2022: May 14th!

Join us back on the Plaza for our Opening Day Celebration! Many of our farmers have been hard at work and are ready to hit the ground running this season with fresh, local, naturally-grown produce and plant starts. Come get some plant starts or even fruit trees to start the garden of your dreams this year, the benefit of buying plants from local sources is that the plants are already acclimated to our environment by growing at this elevation, temperature & sunshine from seed (possibly over many years).  If we have learned anything as consumers these past few years it is that food security is paramount, no yard is too small any patch of soil given attention and care can produce food. Get to know your farmers and the land you live on, our community will be more resilient from you getting your hands in the soil!

We have a lot of new Non-Farmer Vendors this year making the commitment to Local Food First by upholding our mission. The Mission of the Taos Farmers’ Market is to support, promote and expand local agriculture by providing a premier market for local farmers to sell meat, eggs, dairy, produce, and plants
Our Non-Farmer Vendors are selected through a tough jury process by the TFM Board of Directors (made up of 4 Farmer Vendors & 1 Non-Farmer Vendor) each year in March.  We always receive more applications than the 18 spaces we have available for Non-Farmer Vendors so the competition is tight.  The Board selects the Non-Farmer Vendors with the most creative and LOCAL ingredients in each of their products they make since they list every ingredient on their applicaitons.  The Non-Farmers are the creatives of our market, taking what amazing ingredients our farmers work hard to grow and turning fresh local agricultural goods into ready to eat food, canned goods, baked breads, and body products.  The goal is that every product we allow our Non-Farmer Vendors to sell at market has been made with locally grown or wild-harvested ingredients from our beautiful surrounding lands.  Our Non-Farmer Vendors showcase the ingredients our farmers grow: so ask them who grew the tomatoes & herbs in their sauce or inquire as to where they sourced their wheat and you’ll quickly see how interconnected our vendors are and how beautifully intricate our local food system truly is!

We’re so happy to be back, see you at the market!
The TFM Team

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